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updated 10:20 AM UTC, Dec 13, 2023

United States Issue North Korea Travel Alert

Unic Press UK: The United States Secretary of State on Wednesday, the 2nd August 2017, issued a Notice that will “restrict the use of U.S. passports to travel into, in, or through North Korea/the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), effective Friday, September 1, 2017.”

In the Notice, the U.S. government declared that all persons currently in North Korea on a U.S. passport should exit North Korea before the travel restriction comes into force on 1st September 2017.

Further information from the U.S. Department of State included that persons who wish to enter North Korea on a U.S. passport must apply/obtain a special passport validation under the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations [51.64 – Special validation of passports for travel to restricted areas].

Earlier on May 2017, the U.S. issued North Korea travel warning, saying that any U.S. citizen in North Korea was at a serious risk of arrest and long-term incarceration as the system of law enforcement in North Korea allowed harsh sentences for actions that would not be considered a crime under the U.S. justice system.

“At least 16 U.S. citizens have been detained in North Korea in the past ten years. North Korean authorities have detained those who traveled independently and those who were part of organized tours. Being a member of a group tour or using a tour guide will not prevent North Korean authorities from detaining or arresting you. Efforts by private tour operators to prevent or resolve past detentions of U.S. citizens in the DPRK have not been successful” (U.S. Department of State: 9th May 2017)

North Korea has conducted series of tests of ballistic missiles, and several experts believe that the communist/secretive  state has developed a missile that could strike America’s mainland. In fact, several states, the U.S. included, believe that North Korea is a threat to the world given North Korea’s quest to further develop its nuclear arsenal.


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